Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Northwest Whale Photography and much more about photography.
Pacific Northwest Whale Photographic Prints | Redbubble
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How to Photograph Whales - PictureCorrect
- California is one of the prime locations for whale watching and photography in the world. Gray, Blue, Humpback, and Killer whales and others …
Whale Photography: How to Take Amazing Photos
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How To Take Pictures of Whales | Great Whaling Photos
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Photographing Whales Underwater - DivePhotoGuide
- The vast majority of whale photography will be done without strobes. As such, s shutter speed of 1/100s should safely stop motion for wide lenses and if light is in short supply you can extend this to 1/60s or longer, depending on how fast the subject is moving. I can generally get apertures of f/11 or f/8 (clear water and high sun position).
Tips on How to Photograph Whales | The Main Museum
- How to Photograph Whales 1. Have the Right Equipment 2. Adjust Your Shutter Speed 3. Set the Right Exposure 4. Continuous Shooting Mode 5. Use a Scale 6. Consider the Weather 7. Learn Their Behavior How to Photograph Whales 1. Have the Right Equipment
Tips for taking great whale and dolphin photos | Nikon
- You can use any type of camera to take great photos of whales and dolphins/porpoises—from a Point & Shoot like the COOLPIX cameras to the Z series mirrorless or DSLR cameras with a relatively long telephoto NIKKOR zoom lens. The longer the telephoto, the better.
Photographing Whales - 12 Tips | Iceland Whale Watching …
- Thus our photographer Bernódus (@bernohotography) recommends staying at the back of the right hand side on the boat. The captain will most often need to turn the boat so he sees the whale clearly for all safety, and if it happens that he’ll choose to have the whale at the left hand side, it will only take 5 seconds to change. Stay Calm
North West Wildlife Photography
- To promote, and protect, through photography the wildlife, flora, and fauna, of the Northwest region. To further the interests of our native Wildlife, …
NW Aviation Photography - NW Aviation Photography
- Welcome to NW Aviation Photography Nils Wälti a Swiss based Aviation Photographer specialised in doing photoshoots mostly featuring classic Warbirds and historic aircraft.
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