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Ed Lange (photographer) - Wikipedia
- His free love ideals placed him in the sexual revolution movement of the 1960s and 1970s. He also was very active in the Western Sunbathing Association and in the first stirrings of the Free Beach movement in the 1960s in California. Lange was originally a fashion photographer who worked for Vogue, Harper's Bazaar and Life magazines as well as ...
Jock Sturges Photographe | Actuphoto
- Jock Sturges, né en 1947 à New York, est un photographe américain. Il est connu surtout pour ses nus pris dans des environnements naturistes. Jock Sturges vit actuellement à Seattle. La magie du travail de Jock Sturges réside dans sa vision épurée d'une beauté simple, sans astuce ni trucage. Sturges ne cherche ni à choquer ni à provoquer.
David Hamilton | Artnet
- David Hamilton was a British photographer and film director known for his nude photographs of adolescent girls. Often controversial, the images evoke an effect of dreaminess through soft focus and varied grain. Using a photographic technique akin to painting, he has acknowledged the influence of Lucas Cranach on his style. Born on April 15, 1933 in London, United Kingdom, the …
Naked Secrets: Photographer Ren Hang at MAMA Gallery - Yatzer
- The exhibition’s title “What We Do is Secret” was selected by the gallery not only to signify the no-holds-barred, sensual camaraderie depicted in the photos but also because it references the 70s LA-based punk band The Germs.Known for its penchant for luridness, excess and anarchy, the band points to the counter-cultural fueled iconoclasm that characterizes Hang’s work—which …
Sally Mann: Immediate Family | MONOVISIONS - Black & White …
- First published in 1992, Immediate Family has been lauded by critics as one of the great photography books of our time, and among the most influential. Taken against the Arcadian backdrop of her woodland summer home in Virginia, Sally Mann's extraordinary, intimate photographs of her children reveal truths that embody the individuality of her own
Pure Family Nudism Torrent ขวัญธานันท์พระเครื่อง
- Pure Family Nudism Torrent. TorrentFreak is a publication dedicated to the latest news on copyright, privacy, and everything related to file sharing. diversity in the Hylodidae family in terms of light… tactile communication) and purely tactile signals in Hylodes japi. At the same time, these data do not indicate the presence of any.
David Hamilton | Artnet | Page 3
- David Hamilton was a British photographer and film director known for his nude photographs of adolescent girls. Often controversial, the images evoke an effect of dreaminess through soft focus and varied grain. Using a photographic technique akin to painting, he has acknowledged the influence of Lucas Cranach on his style. Born on April 15, 1933 in London, United Kingdom, the …
Hippie Communes: 31 Eye-Opening Photographs Of Life On A …
- Delve into the secretive and misunderstood world of American hippie communes of the 1970s. This iconic photograph captures the Bray Family reading bedtime stories at the Mystic Arts commune in Sunny Valley, Oregon in 1969. Photograph by John Olson. Source: View Liner ltd
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