Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Obama Photographer Scout and much more about photography.
Obama’s photographer Scout Tufankjian reveals her secrets
- By Anna Ghazaryan. YEREVAN. – Not everyone is able to learn from someone who photographed presidents, especially the U.S. president. However, the students of TUMO center were provided with an opportunity to attend the class of American photojournalist of Armenian origin Scout Tufankjian.Here, in Armenia, she is known as a photographer who shot Obama’s …
Obama Photographer Trolls Trump's Boy Scout Speech …
- Obama did not attend a Jamboree, but sent a video in 2010, The Hill noted. According to the BBC , the Boy Scouts of America holds the Jamboree every four years, and invites scouts aged 12-18 to ...
Obama photographer responds to Trump's Boy Scout …
- Souza was the chief official White House photographer for Presidents Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan, and has spent much of 2017 …
Obama photographer Pete Souza trolls Trump’s Boy …
- I can assure you, POTUS was not telling this Cub Scout and the Boy Scouts who followed about his electoral college victory. A post shared by Pete Souza (@petesouza) on Jul 24, 2017 at 5:10pm PDT
7 Times Obama’s Official Photographer Was Trump’s …
- Here are seven instances of photographer Pete Souza trolling Donald Trump on Twitter that occurred since Fast Company first noticed the …
Photography Spotlight: The Obama Phenomenon – The …
- There’s no question the Obama campaign ignited some powerful human emotions. But it’s hard to grasp just how powerful by simply talking about them from the sidelines of abstraction. That’s why photographer Scout Tufankjian decided to dissect those most visceral, deeply moving elements of the history-making campaign.
Obama meets Beyoncé and Jay-Z – Scout Tufankjian's …
- Wed 24 Apr 2013 12.28 EDT. 38. 38. I took this in September 2012, at an event at the 40/40 Club in Chelsea, New York. Jay-Z and Beyoncé were holding a fundraiser for the president's re-election ...
Scout Tufankjian: Obama’s Armenian Photographer – …
- Scout Tufankjian: Obama’s Armenian Photographer. by Asbarez Staff. December 24, 2008. in News. 0. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter. Scout Tufankjian ...
Obama Photographer Flags Yet Another Wild Difference …
- Lee Moran. Jul 1, 2020, 10:16 AM EDT. Pete Souza, the Obama-era White House photographer, continues to point out the myriad wild ways in which Donald Trump ’s presidency has so far differed from that of his predecessor. Souza on Tuesday shared this throwback image of Obama reading: View this post on Instagram.
When Was Obama a Boy Scout... - The Post & Email
- OR WAS HE? (Jul. 24, 2017) — On Monday evening, as President Trump addressed the annual Boy Scout Jamboree in West Virginia, CBS White House correspondent tweeted the names of past presidents who were once members of the organization, founded in 1909. In the list, along with “JFK, Ford, Clinton, and GWBush” was “Obama.”.
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