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Olympus 35RC Review & Sample Images by Ken Rockwell
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Olympus 35RC Review (Small 35mm Rangefinder Camera)
- One amazing feature of the Olympus 35RC (if you like this sort of thing) is the 35RC can sync with a flash at and up to 1/500 shutter speed. Compared to the very slow flash max sync speed of 1/50 for most of my Leica M film cameras this feature is a great for me. It is worth noting that the Olympus Pen-F has the same 1/500 flash sync feature. 5.
Lomopedia: Olympus 35RC · Lomography
- The Olympus 35RC is a 35 mm rangefinder with a fixed E. Zuiko 42 mm f/2.8 5 elements in 4 groups lens that churns out sharp photographs, one after another. This specific feature of the 35RC makes it a great choice for general photography needs …
The Olympus 35rc - yet another classic Oly - 35mmc
- Reply Ten classic Olympus film cameras - Kosmo Foto June 24, 2020 at 11:40 pm […] Olympus 35RC (1970) AKA “The Poor Man’s Leica”. The 35RC is the smallest rangefinder built with an auto-exposure system – just click the aperture collar to “A” and choose a shutter speed, and the camera chooses the right shutter.
Olympus 35 RC - 35mm Rangefinder Camera -
- Olympus 35 RC Camera 35 mm Rangefinder Camera 1:28 f=42 mm E Zuiko Used (2) from $169.00 & FREE Shipping Customers who viewed this item also viewed Page 1 of 1 Start over Fuji Superia X-TRA 3 Pack ISO 400 36 Exp. 35mm Film, Total 108 Exposures 1,924 in Photographic Film 25 offers from $38.90
Camera: Olympus 35RC · Lomography
- At Lomography, we absolutely love creative photography. Join our community, share your photos and read the latest photography tips and features. We absolutely love creative photography. Join our community and discover great products to experiment with! ... Lomography Cameras Olympus 35RC Photos. Camera: Olympus 35RC Trending Recent Popular. 1 2 ...
Olympus 35 RC Rangefinder Camera - Department of …
- A true classic among 1970's fixed-lens rangefinder cameras, the 35-RC is a traditionally built metal bodied 35mm rangefinder, with the superb fit and finish that were a hallmark of Olympus cameras before the predominance of plastics and …
5 Frames with the Olympus 35RC - by Barry Carr - 35mmc
- The Olympus 35RC viewfinder is nice and bright with an accurate parallax frame that has a shutter speed scale at its top and an aperture scale at its bottom. The rangefinder patch is a bit on the small side and mine isn’t very distinct – having said that, none of the shots on my first roll were out of focus so, it can’t be that bad.
Olympus 35 RC | Photography Forums
- Like the Konica Auto S2 that I use so much, the Olympus 35 RC also uses shutter priority automation with option to manually set apertures if desired. All images with 35 RC done with Tri-X souped in HC110 dil. B and scanned with Epson V600. Next image is of Highway 45 alternate. Going north takes you to Tupelo (Elvis' town of birth).
Olympus 35 RC E. Zuiko 35mm Rangefinder Film Camera …
- The Olympus 35 RC 35 mm Rangefinder camera was manufactured in Japan during the 1970s. This company made the 35 RC a staple of many studio sessions, and it can still be useful for owners who prefer a vintage and retro feel. The black and metal appearance delivers a classic look that highlights the case's durability.
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