Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Only Known Photograph Of Joseph Smith and much more about photography.
A Mormon Image: A Photograph of Joseph? | Times & Seasons
- none
Photographs of the Prophet Joseph Smith? - Seth Adam …
- I was recently made aware of yet another photograph. At first glance, I was very nearly convinced that it was Joseph Smith. But, after reading Ardis Parshall’s article on The Times and Seasons, I learned that it is also believed to be a photograph of Alexander Hugh Holmes Stuart, a man who served as United States Secretary of th…
Do Photographs of the Prophet Joseph Smith Exist? - LDS …
- none
True Stuff that I Made Up: Only known photograph of …
- Only known photograph of Joseph Smith, Jr.? This photograph is believed to be a copy of an original daguerreotype taken of Joseph Smith Jr. in Nauvoo just before his death in 1844. It has caused a lot of excitement among researchers …
These one-of-a-kind depictions of Joseph Smith might
- Several early photographs have been purported to depict the Prophet, but most have been discredited, and no known photos of him are definitively known to exist. However, one 19th-century photo in the Church History Library does depict a likeness of Joseph Smith, though perhaps not in the way you might expect.
Joseph Smith Photo - Library of Congress - Latter Day …
- This photo file was found in 2007 as a likely mis-named photograph in the Library of Congress archives. After extensive facial contour and body structure …
What Did Joseph Smith Really Look Like? - The Church of …
- Painting of Joseph Smith, Community of Christ Version. The artist who painted this famous painting of the Prophet Joseph Smith is unknown. The Prophet recorded sitting for a portrait being done by a Brother Rogers. This is a lock of Joseph Smith’s hair. It is in the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers Museum in Salt Lake City.
Re: The Only Known Photograph of Joseph Smith - YouTube
- -----edited to add-----disclaimer: this video was done as a joke; it is entirely tongue-in-cheek. i am not making fun of the lds church, per se, i'm jus...
A Mormon Image: A Photograph of Joseph? | Times & Seasons
- If they are right, it is the only known photographic image of Joseph . . . According to his son, Joseph Smith III, the Prophet had a daguerreotype made in Nuavoo shortly before his death. A daguerreotype is a very early and primative form of photography that was just becoming available in the 1840s.
Could e-mailed photo be that of LDS Prophet Joseph Smith?
- Many other alleged Joseph Smith photos have been discredited by experts. "Of all the different images, this is the only one that matches up forensically with what we know of Joseph Smith's anatomy ...
10 Fascinating Only Existing Photographs - Listverse
- The only known photograph above was taken around 1873 for a format called carte de visite (small albumen prints mounted on cards 2&1/2 by 4 inches). Interesting Fact:: In 1857, Mary Seacole published The Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands. The book was a great success and became a very popular figure.
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