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Annie Leibovitz: Photographs: Annie Leibovitz: …
- Annie Leibovitz: Photographs. Hardcover – August 12, 1983. by. Annie Leibovitz (Photographer) › Visit Amazon's Annie Leibovitz Page. Find all the books, read about the author, and more. See search results for this author. Annie Leibovitz (Photographer) 4.4 out of 5 stars.
Photographs: Annie Leibovitz: Annie Leibovitz, Tom Wolfe …
- Photographs: Annie Leibovitz Paperback – July 12, 1984 by Annie Leibovitz (Photographer), Tom Wolfe (Introduction) 41 ratings See all formats and editions Hardcover $25.35 27 Used from $10.89 15 Collectible from $20.00 Paperback $12.75 43 Used from $5.00 1 New from $65.00 7 Collectible from $14.50
Photographs Annie Leibovitz 1970-1990 Paperback
- Photographs Annie Leibovitz 1970-1990. Paperback – January 1, 1991. A collection of two hundred photographs spans the first two decades of the renowned photographer's career and includes portraits of Mikhail Baryshnikov, Bruce Springsteen, Michael Jackson, David Lynch, and many others. Reprint. $65,000 ad/promo.
Photographs: Annie Leibovitz 1970-1990 (SIGNED) …
- Annie Leibovitz Photographs 1970-1990 1ST EDITION 1991 Original dust cover - a worn with a small tear on both the bottom and top edge of spine. Back of dustcover also has a small tear at top. Otherwise in great condition (both inside and out) Print length 232 pages Language English Publisher HarperCollins Publication date January 1, 1991 ISBN-10
Photographs Annie Leibovitz 1970-1990 Hardcover
- Photographs Annie Leibovitz 1970-1990. Hardcover – January 1, 1992. A collection of two hundred photographs spans the first two decades of the renowned photographer's career and includes portraits of Mikhail Baryshnikov, Bruce Springsteen, Michael Jackson, David Lynch, and many others. Reprint. $65,000 ad/promo.
Photographs: Leibovitz, Annie: 9780500273388: …
- Her first book, Annie Leibovitz: Photographs, was published in 1983. In 1999 she published the bestselling Women, with a Preface by Susan Sontag, for which the Corcoran Gallery of Art in …
Photographs by Annie Leibovitz
- This beautiful book contains 200 photographs done by the amazing Annie Leibovitz in the early years of her career. Included in this book are black and white and color photos of major celebrities, including (but not limited to) John Lennon, The Grateful Dead, Richard Pryor, The Rolling Stones, Muhammad Ali, Greg Louganis, Michael Jackson, Whoopi Goldberg, and …
Annie Leibovitz: Photographs by Annie Leibovitz
- Annie Leibovitz: Photographs. Annie Leibovitz's first book. All celebrity portraits: The Stones, Townsend, Michael Douglas, Patti Smith, Woody Allen, Clint Eastwood, etc. 142 pages; color and b&w photographic plates through out; 9.25 x 12.25 inches. Annie Leibovitz's first book.
Celebrate photography: Annie Leibovitz. TASCHEN Books
- Annie Leibovitz is often imitated, particularly by younger photographers, but her work is somehow immediately recognizable. The bookends of the Leibovitz collection are the black-and-white photograph of Richard Nixon’s helicopter lifting off from the White House lawn after he resigned as president in 1974 and the formal color portrait of Queen Elizabeth II taken in a drawing room …
Annie Leibovitz: Portraits 2005-2016 Hardcover – …
- Afterword by Annie Leibovitz. Annie Leibovitz: Portraits 2005-2016 is the photographer's follow-up to her two landmark books, Annie Leibovitz: Photographs, 1970-1990 and A Photographer's Life, 1990-2005. In this new collection, Leibovitz has captured the most influential and compelling figures of the last decade in the style that has made her one of the most beloved talents of our …
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