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SLR Photography Guide
- 10 Tips To Improve Your Photos Instantly. 1. Clean The Lens Our first tip to help improve your photos may seem obvious, but when was the last time you cleaned your lens? Read More ».
Tips And Tutorials – SLR Photography Guide
- Tips And Tutorials. Here is a selection of our best DSLR photography tips for beginners. The articles discuss camera settings and techniques specific to DSLR and mirrorless CSC cameras (Compact System Cameras). However they may also come in handy for point and click users as well, many of which nowadays can manipulate settings such as aperture ...
Digital SLR photography tips for beginners
- Don’t change your lens outside if it’s windy. Put the main lens on your camera before you leave the house. If you need to change the lens outside, face the camera body downwards. Dust can’t fall upward onto the camera’s sensor. If at first you find your getting a lot of blurred photo’s, change to a fast shutter speed.
How To Use A DSLR Camera: A Beginner’s Photography …
- If you take the lens off a DSLR and look inside the lens mount, you’ll see the mirror sitting at around a 45 degree angle. It’s just reflecting the light up towards the optical viewfinder. When you press the shutter button, the mirror will flip …
Understanding the Basics of SLR Photography - PictureCorrect
- This is the key to creating beautiful portraits and stunning photos in general. The basics of digital SLR photography are easy to learn when you appreciate how the camera controls lighting. Cameras have control over the light in two main ways: aperture and shutter speed. Your aperture is the opening that allows light in.
Digital SLR Cameras & Photography For Dummies Cheat …
- The digital single-lens reflex (dSLR) camera is the great step upward for photographers who want to expand their creative horizons. Whether you want to become a serious photo hobbyist or simply want to take advantage of the improved control that digital SLR cameras give you, becoming familiar with the dSLR’s controls is one of your top priorities.
Flash Guides – SLR Photography Guide
- 27 Flash Guides. Finally learn how to use your Speedlight! $ 34. 00. 27 Printable Flash Guides. Lifetime Access Including Future Updates. One On One Support If Needed (Email & Facebook Chat) Complimentary Monthly Digital Photography Magazine + …
The Ultimate Guide to Learning how to use Your first DSLR
- Situation 2: Reduce the ISO by a factor of 4, i.e. to ISO100. Situation 3: A combination of the above, shutter speed by a factor of 2 (to 1/20th second) AND reduce the ISO bv a factor of 2 (to ISO200). Aperture, shutter speed and ISO are all facotrs that …
Bird Photography Guides – SLR Photography Guide
- Bird Photography Guides. 28 Quick Reference Guides For Bird Photography. $ 28. 00. 28 Printable Bird Photography Guides. Lifetime Access Including Future Updates. One On One Support If Needed (Email & Facebook Chat) Complimentary Monthly Digital Photography Magazine + 79 Past Editions. Yes Please, I Want This!
Photography Cheat Sheets
- Photography Cheat Sheets. Need help to remember camera settings when out in the field? Our famous photography cheat sheets / reference cards are now available to purchase separate to our Photography Course. 42 printable cheat sheets, 2.5 x 4 inch size that you can take with you anywhere.Note, these cheat sheets are double sided, in that there are reference settings and …
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