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Photographer's Guide to RAID - Photo Taco Podcast
- none
RAID block size for photography library | MacRumors …
- For those that have set up RAID 0 or other arrays for your library, what block size did you define? I would guess for most of us we have relative large files (20MB or larger) plus some video files that could be larger. So did you set up your RAID with 128K size blocks?
A Beginner's Guide to RAID for Photographers | Fstoppers
- It requires at least 3 drives but can work with up to 16. Data blocks are striped across the drives and on one drive a parity checksum of all the …
Best Block Size in Raid for Photo files - Apple Community
- I am setting up my two drive striped RAID 0 and came to a screeching halt at the raid block size. This RASID is strictly for photo scans and PS CS2 photo files, mostly high res, some medium JPEGs. Adobe says PS CS2's default block size in 64K, if I can believe the technical support guy, who said it off the top of his head, after not understanding what I was talking …
RAID Arrays for Photography and Pro Video | B&H eXplora
- The 12big supports RAID 0, 1, 5, 6, 10, and 50. Don’t take chances with your media files. Use RAID 1, 5, 6, 50, or 60 to make sure that you minimize your chances of having a drive failure. Use RAID 0 (after you already backed up your data) for fast read and write speeds.
Photographer's Guide to RAID - Photo Taco Podcast
- You probably have a photo library that is less than 1TGB in size at that point and to go straight to a RAID system where you will probably have about 30TB of storage available to you is overkill. Before leaving this fist storage wall, I also want to mention that you also need to think seriously about backup at this point.
RAID block size for photo library volume -- Computers in …
- A forum thread in FORUMS General Gear Talk Computers
Digital Storage for Photographers - RAID 1 Storage …
- For the ultimate in style and performance in RAID 1, look no further than the G-SAFE by the good folks at G-Technology. The only RAID system designed specifically for digital photographers, the G-SAFE can only be configured as a RAID 1. It uses two high-performance 7200rpm SATA II drives, each with up to 32MB of cache memory.
Ideal Block Size for Sata Raid – Creative COW
- Forums › Apple Final Cut Pro Legacy › Ideal Block Size for Sata Raid. ... I’m configuring 2-300GB sata drives to a raid and am wondering what the ideal block size is. Typically I’m editing in DVCPRO50 and Betacam, 8 bit. The default size in Tiger Disc Utility is 32K but I’m wondering about a larger size.
Optimal RAID Stripe Size and filesystem Readahead for …
- First we’ll get you the basic answer as to what the best settings are, and then we’ll go into detail as to why that is the case. In modern operating systems, the default raid stripe size is somewhere between 128KB and 256KB by default. This is also the case for hardware raid cards default stripe size.
RAID 1 but which Block Size should I do? at
- As far as block size for video files, I would start with 128 and go from there. I would like to see some specific test for FCP too. On mac raid 0 and 1 have little impact on CPU overhead, as there is no parity calculation. If you don't have enough throughput, the boot drive can be placed in one optical slot and then do RAID 1 + 0 with four drives.
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