Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Robert Walker Photography Montreal and much more about photography.
About | Robert Walker Photographer
- Robert Walker was born in Montreal, where he studied painting at Sir George Williams University. In the mid-1970s, he developed a keen interest in street photography, moving to New York City in 1978. His first book, New York Inside Out, was published in 1984.
Curriculum Vitae | Robert Walker Photographer
- Curriculum Vitae | Robert Walker Photographer Curriculum Vitae Professional training Graduated from Sir George Williams University, Montreal in 1969 Studied painting with Roy Kiyooka & Jean Goguen Attended photography workshops in Montreal with Lee Friedlander (1975) and in New York with Gary Winogrand (1979) Books
Media | Robert Walker Photographer
- Gilles Daigenault reviewing exhibition Montréal mélancolique at Galerie Christiane Chassay, Montreal, on Midi culture Radio-Canada, 1997: Gilles Daigenault reviewing exhibition Moose-eye View at Galerie Christiane Chassay, Montreal, on Midi culture Radio-Canada, 1996: William S. Burroughs reading a portion of the text from New York Inside Out, 1983
Walker, Robert 1945- |
- CAREER: Independent photographer, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 1975-77, and New York, NY, 1977—. ... SIDELIGHTS: Photographer Robert Walker is known for his extraordinary use of color in his photographs. A Contemporary Photographers biographer noted, "Colour is fundamental and crucial to Walker's photography and everything else is subordinate to ...
Group Exhibitions | Robert Walker Photographer
- – Musée d’art contemporain, Montreal, Canada La Balade pour la Paix – Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Canada You Say You Want a Revolution – Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Canada: 2016: L’image en mouvement – Rencontres internationales photographie en Gaspésie, Québec, Canada: 2015: 20/20 Vision – 20 Curators / 20 photographers
Montreal photographer captures period of dramatic change in …
- Montreal photographer Robert Walker worked for two years on a photo series capturing Griffintown. His work is now featured in a new exhibit at the McCord Museum. (McCord Museum) Over a period of...
- Galerie Cazeault is proud to present important works of the renowned Canadian photographer Robert Walker. During the last decades, the artist gained notoriety for his singular look on the urban landscape.
- ROBERT WALKER | PHOTOGRAPHY . A professional photographer for over 30 years, Robert has exhibited widely wth work in many private collections, as well as The National Portrait Gallery, London. This selection of images includes some of his iconic portraits, juxtaposed with more recent colour work.
Griffintown - Photo exhibition at the McCord Museum
- Robert Walker Born in Montreal in 1945, Robert Walker graduated in visual arts from Sir George Williams University in the late 1960s. It was not until 1975, after attending a workshop given by American photographer Lee Friedlander, that Walker adopted street photography as his mode of artistic expression.
At the McCord Museum: Griffintown through the eyes of street ...
- In an exhibition at the McCord Museum that will run from February 7 to August 9, celebrated Montreal street photographer Robert Walker takes viewers on a tour of Griffintown.
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