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Sally Mann: Immediate Family | MONOVISIONS - Black
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Sally Mann's 1980s "Immediate Family" Photography | WITNESS …
- July 31, 2013 Sally Mann Story by Dersu Rhodes Yesterday, we posted a series of photos by photographer Robert Frank. Within the series of photos, we mistakenly featured a photo of a young girl, about fourteen, holding a cigarette. This famous photo, named “Candy Cigarette,” belongs to Sally Mann. (Thank you, for those of you who caught it.)
Sally Mann’s Immediate Family - For Sale on Artsy
- Sally Mann ’s seminal photography book Immediate Family (1992) depicts the artist’s three children (Emmett, Virginia, and Jessie) against the backdrop of her family’s remote farm in Lexington, Virginia.
Immediate Family - The Life and Art of Sally Mann
- Perhaps one of the most controversial collection of work is Sally's collection titled "Immediate Family" featuring her own children, Virginia, Emmet, and Jessie in both natural settings as well as "purposely posed". She referred to her children as her models and they knew they had a job to do and wanted to do it well.
Sally Mann's "Immediate Family" | USA Art News
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Sally Mann Photos – Intimate, Visceral | Incredible Art
- Photos by Sally Mann have appeared on its cover at least twice: first in 1992, a picture of the three children for a feature article covering her so called disturbing work and again in September 2001, a self-portrait including her two young daughters for the theme issue titled “Women Looking at Women.” Controversy over Immediate Family intensified.
Why was Sally Mann’s Immediate Family so controversial?
- Immediate Family is a photography book produced in 1992 by Sally Mann. The groundbreaking and controversial book was published by the international quarterly journal Aperture and is made of 65 duotone portraits. The book features exclusively Mann’s three children, Virginia, Jessie, and Emmett, who are also on the book’s front cover.
Sally Mann’s “Immediate Family” Challenged My ... - Artsy
- Sally Mann ’s 1992 book Immediate Family overflows with photographs that capture the ecstatic bliss of youth, in all of its wildness and fragility, danger and innocence. It tells stories about insect stings, sun-kissed lunches, familial devotion, and the transformative power of nature. It is, often, almost unbearably intimate.
Sally Mann | Artnet
- Since the 1970s, she produced a series of photographic portraits, landscapes, and still life’s and is best known for her intimate portraits of her family, including her three young children and husband. Similarly to David Hamilton, Mann has caused controversy with her nude photographs causing repeated outcries and calls for censorship.
The Disturbing Photography of Sally Mann - The New …
- Ex-”dirt hippies” who still grow much of their own food and until a decade and a half ago barely made enough money to pay taxes, Sally and Larry Mann are a tight couple. Both “Immediate Family” and...
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