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- An Absent Presence. Lives on the Line. HIV&TB Zulu South Africa. A Quiet Corner | TEDx Talk. Masked | Exhibit. Mobile Clinics. Zenne Dancer Turkey. How We Live. Photographs.
Sara Anjargolian’s Photography: Re-Imagining the Homeland in …
- Los Angeles-based photographer Sara Anjargolian recently exhibited her work in the engaging and interactive exhibition, How We Live. Along with another of Anjargolian’s recent projects, Not Here, How We Live focuses its lens on Armenia; while the earlier traces the realities of poverty, the latter documents the disruptive effects of labor migration on families. Like many …
About | Contact — SaraAnjargolian
- About | Contact — SaraAnjargolian Sara Anjargolian is a multimedia journalist and attorney focused on visual storytelling projects that seek to inspire social change. Anjargolian's work is rooted in the belief that provocative imagery possesses the profound and transformative potential to expose social injustice and inspire action.
Sara Anjargolian -
- Sara Anjargolian is a Yerevan-based documentary photographer and attorney focused on visual storytelling projects that seek to inspire social change. Anjargolian's work is rooted in the belief that visual imagery has the profound and transformative potential to …
Sara Anjargolian: Photographs from Armenia |
- By Adriana Tchalian Sara Anjargolian is something of a find in the Armenian community. She is a Los Angeles-based photographer–writer–and attorney. She is also a busy woman. She recently spent several years in Armenia as a Fulbright scholar–until settling in Los Angeles in 2005.
Sara Anjargolian’s Photography: Re-Imagining the …
- Sara Anjargolian’s Photography: Re-Imagining the Homeland in Diasporic Discourse. by Asbarez Staff. May 27, 2010. in Columns, Critics' Forum. 1. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter.
Attorney photographer Sara Anjargolian eyes social injustice in …
- Svetlana Bachevanova – WNN Features (WNN) New York, New York, UNITED STATES, AMERICAS: With a 2002 Fulbright Scholarship U.S. California based Armenian American photographer and attorney Sara Anjargolian fell in love with Armenia, the country connected to her from childhood. But as she began to explore the region her experience in law school …
Sara Anjargolian - Impact Hub Yerevan
- Sara Anjargolian, Esq. is co-founder & board member of Impact Hub Yerevan. She is the Head of the Office of the High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs, and also a lawyer and multimedia journalist. Born in London, raised and educated in the U.S., and currently living and working in Armenia. Through Impact Hub Yerevan, Sara focuses on empowering ...
Diaspora - Sara Anjargolian
- Anjargolian’s tenure in Armenia has also included a Fulbright scholarship from 2002 to 2004, teaching at the American University of Armenia, and working as a multimedia journalist focused on social impact projects from 2009 to 2014. Sara Anjargolian is the Head of Office at the Republic of Armenia’s Office of the High Commissioner for ...
TEDxYerevan - Sara Anjargolian - What the Zulu People …
- Sara Anjargolian is a documentary photographer focusing on visual storytelling projects that seek to inspire social change. She is a recipient of the Fulbright scholarship and a United Nations...
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