Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Sarah Bernhardt Portrait Photographique De Nadar 1864 and much more about photography.
File:Sarah Bernhardt, par Nadar, 1864, sepia.jpg - Wikimedia …
- English: Nadar (1820-1910); French actress Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923) around 1864 (8 5/16 x 6 3/8 in). Español: La actriz francesa Sarah Bernhardt , por Nadar , en torno a 1864. Français : Actrice francaise Sarah Bernhardt , par Nadar , vers 1864.
Sarah Bernhardt, c.1864 - Felix Nadar -
- ‘Sarah Bernhardt’ was created in c.1864 by Felix Nadar in Pictorialism style. ... La Boutique De Nadar Père À Marseille • 1897. Santos Dumont in a test aircraft • XIX-XX cent. The Folies-Bergère dance group • XIX-XX …
Portrait of Sarah Bernhardt , 1864. Found in the Collection of...
- Portrait of Sarah Bernhardt , 1864. Found in the Collection of Bibliothèque Nationale de France. Artist Nadar, Gaspard-Félix . Get premium, high resolution news photos at Getty Images
File:Sarah Bernhardt, par Nadar, 1864.png - Wikimedia Commons
- English: Félix Nadar (1820-1910); French actress Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923) around 1864 (8 5/16 x 6 3/8 in). Français : Actrice francaise Sarah Bernhardt , par Félix Nadar , …
[Sarah Bernhardt] (The J. Paul Getty Museum Collection)
- Nadar/Warhol: Paris/New York A list of the locations of this exhibition . The J. Paul Getty Museum at the Getty Center (Los Angeles) July 20 to October 10, 1999 The Andy Warhol Museum (Pittsburgh) November 6, 1999 to January 30, 2000 The Baltimore Museum of Art (Baltimore) March 12 to May 28, 2000
Sarah Bernhardt, drapée en blanc, Félix Nadar, vers 1864 | Portrait ...
- Nov 2, 2018 - Les Éditions multimédias de la Bibliothèque nationale de France proposent une exposition virtuelle consacrée aux "trois Nadar". Découvrez leur histoire au travers de textes de références, d’entretiens de commissaires, de vidéos, de podcasts et de ressources pédagogiques
History of Art: History of Photography - all-art
- She was a true child of the age of photography. Fascin-ated with the new pictorial medium that photography represented, Sarah Bernhardt understood how to wield photography to foster her growing fame. At some point in the course of 1864, the young Sarah Bernhardt had her portrait taken in the studio of the Paris photographer Felix Tournachon ...
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