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Fluid Art: 17 Fantastic Fountains and Water Sculptures
- Water Whirler was unveiled in 2006 near Frank Kitts Park in Wellington. Charybdis – Sunderland, England (images via: William Pye) This mesmerizing water sculpture was designed by British sculptor William Pye and sits in front of Seaham Hall in Sunderland. The clear cylinder holds filtered water that rushes around to create a beautiful air-core vortex.
39 Amazing Underwater Photography Examples to …
- Photograph Underwater Landscapes. Underwater landscapes, whether in a fish tank or in the …
15 Examples of Water Art That’s Simply Splashing!
- Natural Mineral Water – Via Water Dance. Via Tutzor Water Boy. phil2001 Water Fairy. Alexiuss Via Smashing Apps Water Angel. Alexiuss Water Bird. Alexiuss Water Dragon. Skam Water World. azrainman Moving Water Dress. For Mattoni Spring Water.
Photo Manipulation Series Presents Unique Twist on Water …
- In addition to his photo manipulation series, Kyle Re Creative also often shares unedited works of water photography. Much like his modified photographs, these pieces feature a model with water that appears to be frozen in her grasp. Though the artist refrains from transforming the liquid into figurative forms for these pieces, each image ...
- Water sculptures are typically free-standing water structures that enable water to be manipulated into an art form. Sculpture materials, shapes, sizes, and finishes vary greatly depending on the desired water effect, location, and budget. With our creativity, experience, and craftsmanship, we are continually exploring how we create new and innovative sculptural water features. Water …
45 Stunning Examples of Water Drop Reflection …
- Macro photography is an art in itself and as being a great fan of macro photography,i always look for wonderful macro photos over internet,especially at Flickr and some various photography sites. Today,we again showcase stunning macro photography examples.The subject is Waterdrop Reflections or we c…
16 Examples of Water Photography - TREND HUNTER
- These examples of water photography play on both sides of the water: above and below. Those photos from above the water often use reflection to create dynamic compositions. One such photo shows a bird flying really close to the water. So close, in fact, that it looks like there are two birds flying on top of each other.
Water Photo Manipulation: 28 Amazing Water Artworks - Hongkiat
- As human who inhabits in the mother Earth, we see the water everywhere. It’s one of the most important assets to keep us alive, yet it looks so common that we treat it like transparent thing, until some unusual artist realized the beauty of the water, and converted it into immense visual art. In this showcase we’re not gonna persuade you ...
30 Fantastic Examples of Underwater Photography - The …
- It allows you to control the lighting and background, so your photos will be more likely to turn out well. Though you’ll be limited to small objects and close-ups, you can still get underwater photos to be proud of. Laurens Kaldeway – Kiwi 003. Laurens Kaldeway – Orange (iii) Laurens Kaldeway – Cherry.
10 Stunning Surreal Photography Examples You Have to …
- The Doll from around 1936 is a hand-colored black and white surreal photo of one of his life-size deformed dolls made of wood, plaster, metal rods, nuts and bolts. Following another aspect of surrealism, that being the erotica and the subversive of the female body, the artist created many photographs of his sculptures, in many poses and stages ...
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