Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Tafe Course Photography Perth and much more about photography.
Photography Courses in Perth - Online, TAFE Courses
- Certificate III in Process Manufacturing (PER Only) MSM30116. Advance your knowledge, gain more skills in Process Manufacturing. This course is tailored to students interested in advanced production work utilising a range of different support functions related to producing products. You will gain skills across va...
Photography | North Metropolitan TAFE
- A qualification in photography from North Metropolitan TAFE can open doors and help launch your career in this exciting industry. Our courses are recognised by the Australian Institute of Professional Photography and will see you develop the necessary knowledge, skills and creativity to be a cutting-edge professional photographer.
Photography Courses - TAFE NSW
- TAFE NSW qualifications can also lead to a job as a studio manager, photographer, digital operator or a photographic assistant. Certificate IV in Photography and Photo Imaging (CUA41115) Hrs per week: Duration. Fees …
Diploma of Photography and Digital Imaging | North …
- This course blends theoretical and practical skills in photography and digital imaging. You’ll learn to create powerful and effective images for a range of audiences and genres. Our lecturers are industry professionals with ‘real world’ experience. You will develop a thorough understanding of photographic design and theory around the ...
Lightroom for Photography | North Metropolitan TAFE
- This course is usually offered each term (i.e. 4 times a year) and will only run if there are sufficient enrolments. Fees. $330. *Fee disclaimers. The fees quoted are estimates only and are for the entire course for students enrolling on a full-time basis in …
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