Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Technical Vocabulary Photography and much more about photography.
From A to Z: Photography Terms Glossary -
- Aspect ratio. Aspect ratio defines the relationship between an image’s lengths, represented as width:height. It is predetermined by the dimensions of the camera’s sensor, but can be altered in post processing. The most common aspect ratios are 3:2 (full-frame, mirrorless, 35mm film) and 4:3 (most DSLRs). Recently, 4:5 has gained popularity ...
25 Photography Terms All Beginners Need to Know
- Aperture. This is the first common photography term you should learn. Simply …
A guide to basic photography terms | Adobe
- Basic photography terms. Aperture: The part of the camera that opens to let light in. The f-stop or f-number is the measurement of how open or closed the aperture is. Depth of field: The difference between the closest and farthest in-focus objects in a photo. A shallow depth of field means that relatively close background objects become blurry.
101 Photography Terms You NEED to Know | Camera …
- Photography Terms for Techniques. Forced Perspective; Depth of Field; Bokeh; Focus Stacking; Bracketing; Flash Sync; Rules for Great Images. Sunny 16; …
Photography Terminology: A Glossary of 69 Essential …
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Photography vocabulary, Photography word list
- Photography Vocabulary Word List (273) A) Ablaze, Abstract, Activity, Adhere, Admiration, Aerial, Aesthetic, Agency, Amateur, Ansel Adams, Application, Apprentice, Arrangement, Array, Artistic, Associate, Attitude, Awe-inspiring, Awesome. B)
A Glossary of 251 Most Essential Photography Terms
- Photography terms are numerous and can be super confusing for new photographers to get their heads around. But having a good understanding of the photography terms used to describe essential processes will help you enjoy photography a lot more. Some of the technical jargon is just that, jargon. Listening to two photographers having a conversation …
A Glossary of Digital Photography Terms | B&H eXplora
- Aberration. A distortion of image quality or color rendition in a photographic image caused by optical limitations of the lens used for image capture. Aberrations commonly show up in the form of halation around high-contrast portions of the image, or …
Glossary of 24 photography terms for beginners - The …
- Once you’ve got it come back and read all about the photography fundamentals and concepts listed in our glossary of photography terms. We’re jargon busting this glossary of photography terms alphabetically… 1. Aperture. When you adjust the aperture you control the amount of light hitting the sensor.
How to Understand the Science of Photography and …
- Chrominance deals with the color component of an image while luminance deals with the contrast or tonality component of an image. Chroma refers to the color in an image while luma describes the non-color or tonal part. Achromatic is a fancy scientific word that is pretty simple to …
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