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Diving Dogs: Seth Casteel’s Amazing Underwater Pet …
- By dogedit. , March 16, 2012. Los Angeles- and Chicago-based pet photographer Seth Casteel skyrocketed to overnight success when his stunning underwater pictures of dogs diving for balls and toys ...
Amazing Underwater Dog Photography by Seth Casteel
- Seth Casteel is an award-winning photographer and New York Times Best Selling Author. His series of underwater dog photographs have been seen by millions of people around the world and have become a famous set of images, with Underwater Dogs being the best selling photography book of 2012. His work has been published in National Geographic, The New York Times and in …
Seth Casteel’s Underwater Dogs | The Bark
- The overnight sensation of Seth Casteel’s breathtaking photographs of diving dogs is a publicist’s dream — the stunning photos went viral and now have been seen by millions, gaining notoriety and admiration for the photographer, bringing offers for licensing and business deals, and a book contract from Little, Brown. Casteel’s collection of photographs entitled Underwater Dogs
Amazing Photographs of Babies Underwater by Seth Casteel
- Terry Orwell for Art-Sheep all images courtesy of Seth Casteel Venice, California-based photographer Seth Casteel is well known for his underwater photographs. His work has enchanted an international audience and ha has already published two bestselling books, “Underwater Dogs” and “Underwater Puppies”. Casteel says that these are among the happiest …
Amazing Underwater Dog Photography by Seth Casteel
- Talented photographer Seth Casteel has captured amazing photos of swimming dogs. These photographs show how diving dogs jump into the water and bring back the ball. Have a look at these unique snaps of dogs.
Seth Casteel - Underwater Dogs - Underwater Puppies
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Amazing Underwater Dogs - Photographer Seth Casteel
- Check out Seth Casteel's photography website- ...Music: Doggy (Spacey Pooch Mix) by Dhruva Aliman Amazon-
Stunning Dog Photography #49: Seth Casteel's Underwater Dogs
- This week’s Stunning Dog Photography is by dog lover Seth Casteel. He loves photographing dogs and came up with the idea of taking photos of dogs underwater. I think you can see from the results that Seth is an incredible photographer! Seth also volunteers with animal shelters and rescues all over the country, professionally photographing ...
The Amazing Underwater Dog Photography of Seth Casteel
- The Amazing Underwater Dog Photography of Seth Casteel Off-Topic. Welcome to the North American Subaru Impreza Owners Club ... Products: Store: Modifications: Upgrade Garage : NASIOC > NASIOC Miscellaneous > Off-Topic: The Amazing Underwater Dog Photography of Seth Casteel
Underwater Dogs by Seth Casteel | Bored Panda
- Underwater Dogs by Seth Casteel. Just when it seems that nothing new can be done in the field of pet photography, here comes professional photographer Seth Casteel and starts capturing underwater dogs. What is amazing that these funny dogs love fetching things so much that they even forget they are not aquatic animals. Silly dogs!
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