Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about The Orpington Photographic Society and much more about photography.
Orpington Photographic Society
- The Orpington Photographic Society is an active and progressive club that welcomes photographers at all levels who are interested in sharing photographic interests, talents and ideas with others. Our members range from absolute …
About Us - Orpington Photographic Society
- Orpington Photographic Society (OPS) focuses on the enjoyment of photography and improving members knowledge via lectures, demonstrations and competitions, as it has done since it began in 1948. We embrace new developments in photographic styles and technology, while respecting those who appreciate traditional techniques.
Orpington Photographic Society - Home - Facebook
- Orpington Photographic Society (OPS) focuses on the enjoyment of photography and improving members... Charterhouse Road, BR6 9EP Orpington, UK
Programme - Orpington Photographic Society
- Our 2022/2023 programme is below. ops_prog_2022-2023_v1.0.pdf. File Size: 496 kb. File Type: pdf. Download File.
Contact - Orpington Photographic Society
- Our Society is based at: The Small Hall. Christ Church. Charterhouse Road. Orpington. BR6 9EP. If you are interested to join our society please use the Membership Enquiry form on the right: A full list of contact email addresses can be found below.
Our Gallery in Orpington
- We are pleased to announce a new display of 40 prints at the Orpington Village Hall Trust in Orpington High Street. The permanent gallery this season includes Philip Brown's panel of 10 images submitted to the Royal Photographic Society. He was awarded the distinction of Licentiate of The Royal Photographic Society (LRPS). David Barnes has a panel of images …
Rotorua 2020 - Orpington Photographic Society
- The results were announced on Tuesday 15th September 2020 in Orpington. Result: The 2020 overall winners: Orpington Photographic Society. Orpington Photographic Society: 229. Rotorua Camera Club: 220. The following entries were awarded distinctions. Best Image and Honours. 'Caught' by Meg Lipscombe (RCC) Highly Commended.
Winning Images 2014 Seasons - Orpington Photographic Society
- Winning Images 2014 Season. Colour Print Winner 2014. "Crocks" by John Abrook FRPS. Projected Digital Image Winner 2014. "To Infinity and Beyond" by …
Welcome to the Orpington History Website
- Welcome! This website is dedicated to displaying and providing information on the history of the town and district of Orpington in the English County of Kent. There is nothing currently available, on the internet, for people to 'surf' and look at the history of our town and local area. Our objective is to provide this for everyone to enjoy.
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- Orpington Photographic Society Meet Tuesdays Small Hall, Christ Church, Charterhouse Road, Orpington, BR6 9EP
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