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The Phone Photography Project: Summer Challenges
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The Phone Photography Project 2 - Maggie Holmes Design
- Get ready to transform your mobile photography in a brand NEW interactive workshop, The Phone Photography Project 2, starting July 17. Twenty expert iPhoneographers have collected their best tips, tricks and tutorials for phone photography, and they're ready to share it all with you inside a private online classroom!
Smartphone photography | A beginner's guide | Adobe
- When your phone is your camera, you can skip many of the uploads, downloads, imports, and exports that come with DSLRs. In fact, with the Lightroom mobile photo editing app, you can keep your whole workflow in one place. From basic refinements in color and light to advanced tools like Curves, Healing Brush, and Geometry to fix perspective, you can get your photo just how you …
The Phone Photography Project: Summer Challenges
- Don't miss our guided workshop, The Phone Photography Project 2, starting July 17.) In this self-paced workshop, you'll get all the guidance you need to document your summer with sass, style....and your smartphone. On top of the 31 smartphone photography challenges from 31 smarty-pants instructors, you'll also enjoy:
The Phone Photography Project: A Summer Class - The Mom …
- That's why I am so excited about being one of the 32 instructors for a new summer Big Picture Classes course called The Phone Photography Project. This incredible class launches July 1st and is chock full of 32 days of Android + iPhone summer photo challenges, daily inspiration and app reviews. I truly believe that if you take this class, your camera phone photos …
Smartphone Photography 101 - The Ultimate Guide to …
- When it comes to accessories, all you really need to get started with smartphone photography is a smartphone with a camera app and a charger. But a case and screen protector should be bought ideally the same day you get your phone. The essentials – case and screen protector Make sure you set yourself up with a good phone case and screen protector.
The Phone Photography Project 2014 GIVEAWAY!
- Now you can, with our brand-new workshop, The Phone Photography Project 2. Last summer, 32 instructors (including me) brought you the original The Phone Photography Project, and it was a phenomenon! Our Instagram hashtag #bpcphonephotographyproject saw …
The Phone Photography Project Workshop! — Amy Tangerine
- The Phone Photography Project 32 days of Android + iPhone photo challenges, daily inspiration, and app reviews Need summer photo ideas or help improving your iPhone photography? Spend this July taking amazing photos with your iPhone or Android camera in The Phone Photography Project .
13 Creative iPhone Photography Projects For A Rainy Day
- In this tutorial you’ll discover 13 photography projects that will inspire and motivate you to take incredible iPhone photos, even on the most rainy of days. 1. Take Still Life Photos. Still life photography involves taking photos of inanimate objects. This genre of photography is great for experimenting with light and composition as you can ...
Phone Photography Pro - Master the Camera You Always …
- Master The Camera You Always Carry. Tech & Tips Tips. The Psychology of Choosing a Format: Landscape, Portrait or Square. May 28, 2018. Inspiration Tips. Finding Words to Describe Your Photography: How to Guide. May 21, 2018.
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