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Tierney Gearon Photography - Home - Creator of The Alphabet Book
- Tierney Gearon is a world renown artist and photographer, The Alphabet Book, Shape Color, Explosure, The Mother Project, I Am A Camera, Saatchi
I Am A Camera - Tierney Gearon Photography
- Tierney Gearon Photography I Am A Camera - Tierney Gearon Photography Tiernery Gearon's children run wildly through her photographs. She waits with her camera, trying to find the right moment to click. Poses and situations are not set up, although props are added to what at the outset was a documentary record of the artist's family.
Tierney Gearon - Artist - Saatchi Gallery
- Tierney Gearon Untitled, 1999 C-print 122 x 183 cm Tierney Gearon Untitled, 1999 C-print 122 x 183 cm Tierney Gearon Untitled, 1999 C-print 122 x 183 cm REGISTER FOR EMAIL UPDATES Be the first to hear about the latest Saatchi Gallery exhibitions, events, offers and news ...
The Mother Project - Tierney Gearon Photography
- Tierney Gearon's photographs have been called manipulative, disturbingly ambiguous, even perverse; the London police demanded that the Saatchi Gallery which first showed the offending photos of her young children take the pictures down. Tierney has always maintained she loves her subjects deeply and understands them better than anyone else.
Tierney Gearon - Wikipedia
- Tierney Gearon (born 9 September 1963) is an American photographer who came to prominence in Britain after a media controversy over her work at the Saatchi Gallery . She was born in Atlanta, Georgia. She had no formal art training, but studied ballet in Utah, where a European model agency saw her.
Explosure Gallery - Tierney Gearon Photography
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