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Definition of Tripod - Digital Photography Tips
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What is a Tripod — Definition, Types and Functions Explained
- TRIPOD DEFINITION What is a tripod? A tripod is a three-legged stand designed to support a camera. Cameras are mounted to a tripod, also referred to as “sticks,” for stability. Tripods utilize a fluid head. This also allows the camera to pan left and right or tilt up and down.
The Tripod Explained | B&H eXplora
- The primary purpose of the tripod is to hold a camera completely steady—zero movement and vibration; however, the tripod is very, very far from a one-size-fits-all-photographic accessory. And, although they all look about the same—three legs, a part where the camera attaches, etc., there are many brands, styles, and variations.
Definition of Tripod - Digital Photography Tips
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What Exactly Is a Tripod and How Is It Used in …
- In photography a tripod is a three legged device which is designed to securely and steadily hold a camera. Most tripods have a central pole and height adjustable legs and are used in conjunction with mount to which a head is fixed. The main purpose of a tripod is to allow photographers to capture images using slow shutter speeds (long exposure) for example in astrophotography …
What Is a Tripod - Why Do You Need a Tripod?
- The camera tripod is a three-legged photography device that is designed to hold your DSLR/mirrorless/point-and-shoot camera steadily and securely to avoid shake. The tripod will help you eliminate the problem of blurred photos and successfully take clear shots using slow shutter speeds (long exposure) that are helpful for night images or astrophotography.
Tripod Definition - What is Tripod by SLR Lounge
- Term: Tripod Description: In the simplest terms, a tripod is a three-legged stand for supporting a camera or other apparatus. Tripods come in a variety of makes, models, and price points, with some better suited for specific applications (such as traveling).
Tripod Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
- Definition of tripod. 1 : a three-legged stand (as for a camera) 2 : a stool, table, or altar with three legs. 3 : a vessel (such as a cauldron) resting on three legs. Other Words from tripod Example Sentences Learn More About tripod.
tripod | photography | Britannica
- In motion-picture technology: Camera supports …form this is a heavy tripod structure, with sturdy but smooth-moving adjustments and casters, so that the exact desired position can be quickly reached. Often a heavy dolly, holding both the camera and a seated cameraman, is used. This can be pushed or driven around the set. When shots from… Read More
Definition: Tripod - Photokonnexion
- Definition: Tripod Tripod The tripod provides a portable, steady stand for fixing the camera upon. The three legs provide a consistent, all-round, contact with the ground. The use of three legs ensures that the weight of the mounted equipment is evenly spread. No leg can be off the ground when it’s at rest.
Definition of Tripod - What is, Meaning and Concept
- The photo tripod, for example, it is used to fix the location of a still camera. This allows raising the camera and prevent it from moving when the user takes a picture. Thanks to the tripod, this ensures that the resulting image is sharp, in the absence of movement, which often causes a “blurry” effect.
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