Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Uk-Based Wildlife Photographer David Slater and much more about photography.
David J Slater Photography -
- David J Slater is the photographer and copyright holder of the iconic "Monkey Selfie". Ella is the happy self-appointed representative of all living things. Visit Eearth to see a …
David J Slater Photography
- Personal Tel: (UK) 07999950697 All images ©David Slater 2000-20 22 David J Slater hereby asserts his right to be identified as the author of all images published on this website.
- Welcome to DJS Photography, the website of wildlife photographer David J Slater. If you're looking for wildlife photography workshops or high quality images for publication, with excellent rates for charities. Home of World Famous Imagery including: Monkey That Took Its Own Photograph Kung-Fu Fighting Squirrels Friendly Squirrels
Who is David Slater? British Wildlife Photographer Wins …
- 09/12/17 AT 8:58 AM British photographer, David Slater, was sued over a monkey selfie and in a legal settlement, he agreed to donate 25 percent …
Wildlife Photographer David J Slater - DJS Photography
- Wildlife Photographer David J Slater - DJS Photography. Let's spare a thought for other species right now. Some, like the Crested Black Macaque are dying because of humans, of all skin colours. Then maybe humans can come together and get aquainted with our greatest asset - Nature. I support your cause with my heart.
Photographer David Slater wins monkey 'selfie' lawsuit
- David Slater - the photographer - will keep all of the remaining 75 percent revenue PETA sued on behalf of the macaque monkey in 2015, seeking financial control of …
Monkey Steals Camera, Takes Self-Portraits (VIDEO)
- UK-based wildlife photographer David Slater, 46, was following the endangered species for three days in a park north of the island of Sulawesi when one of the monkeys snatched his camera. Slater said the photoshoot that resulted in these pictures took place after he set up a camera on a tripod.
Monkey selfie copyright dispute - Wikipedia
- Since 2008, British nature photographer David Slater had traveled to Indonesia to take photographs of the critically endangered Celebes crested macaques. In 2011 he licensed several images to the Caters News Agency who released them, along with a written promotional press release with quotes from Slater, for publication in the British media. On 4 July 2011 several …
Dave Slater - Natural England
- Dave Slater, 4 March 2022 - Licensing, Protected sites and species, Science and evidence, Wildlife Alongside our partners, Natural England …
Photographer goes ape over monkey selfie: Who owns …
- Picture credit: David Slater. UPDATE 11 AUGUST: Photographer strikes cash deal over monkey pic. Wikipedia’s refusal to delete a link to a freely downloadable image of a crested black macaque monkey has left the Gloucestershire photographer seeking legal advice, claiming it has deprived him of thousands of pounds in lost earnings. The controversy centres mainly on …
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