Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Underwater Photography Association and much more about photography.
Underwater Photographers | American Photographers Association
- First time advice for underwater photographers. 1) For most photos (within 3-4ft), you will need the flash on. Make sure your flash is set to “forced flash”, not “auto-flash”. The flash will add color to your shots, otherwise they will look blue. 2) For most photos, you’ll want to be in macro mode. Learn how to turn macro mode on and off.
THE Underwater Photography Contest
- is the longest running and most visited resource for underwater photographers on the internet. Our ultimate goal has always been to help you and fellow underwater photographers fulfill their …
underwater photography – NANPA
- Underwater photography is a balancing act of patience, awareness and readiness, not to mention the “minor” details of hauling a huge housing around while managing buoyancy, current, depth, air supply, divers, etc. When an elusive mantis shrimp (Odontodactylus scyllarus) pops up for a few seconds from a coral crevasse, one has to be quick.
NEWS – South Florida Underwater Photography Society
- The South Florida Underwater Photography Society (SFUPS) is a non-profit social organization dedicated to the promotion of excellence in underwater photography through its membership. Society members have been meeting since 1980 appealing to the interests of hundreds of photographers, raising the awareness of ocean conservation initiatives, and ...
The Los Angeles Underwater Photographic Society
- Los Angeles Underwater Photographic Society. Details Published: 22 April 2021 LAUPS activities have been on hold since March 2020.
What is Underwater Photography - A Complete Guide
- Underwater photography equipment ranges from basic point-and-shoot models aimed at tourists on vacation to elaborate underwater housings built for the best DSLR systems. Underwater Point-and-Shoot Cameras. Point-and-shoot underwater photography cameras can be a lot of fun for freediving and shooting at the beach. Their primary advantages, of ...
17 Influential Underwater Photographers to Follow in 2022
- Elena Kalis. Elena is a photographer based in the Bahamas, who brings attention to the Bahamas National Trust’s conservation work. She mostly works with models and gymnasts to create spectacular underwater images in natural environments. elenakalis. …
UwP, Your FREE underwater photography magazine
- UwP is published every two months and every great issue is packed with all the latest underwater photo equipment news, reviews, dive site reports, personality profiles and photo portfolios, plus tips for better pictures, making it the essential read for all underwater photographers, everywhere. You're not logged in!
Underwater Photographer | Careers & Salary | The Art …
- Underwater photographers are a specialized group within the broad category of Photographers. The Bureau of Labor Statistics publishes salary and job outlook data each year that reports wage and employment trends for hundreds of … pointing to - Home
- We are a not-for-profit organization in the Dallas Texas area of North Texas promoting underwater photography and underwater videography. We emphasize education, dive safety, fun, and protection and respect for the marine environment. We do monthly meetings with educational and entertaining speakers and also a monthly photo contest for members.
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