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Canon S90/S95/S100 G11/G12 Settings - Underwater Photography Guide
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Canon S90/S95/S100 G11/G12 Settings - Underwater Photography …
- Canon S90/ S95 / S100, Canon G11/ G12 settings for wide-angle & fish. Manual mode, F6.3, 1/125th, ISO 100. Zoom out. ** Adjust shutter speed as needed to control background exposure. Auto white balance, flash on forced flash mode. Strobe on manual power; adjust strobe power as needed. Turn internal flash to it's lowest power setting.
How to do underwater photography with Canon …
- 3/ If you want the WHOLE picture in focus, try to have a wide aperture/ lower f-stop (>f/8/0), as explained in detail earlier in the article. These three settings; ISO, aperture and shutter speed need to be experimented with, in order to capture the perfect underwater surf shot.
Canon G11/G12 and S90/S95 underwater photography
- An Underwater Photographer's Guide To The Canon G11/12 and S90/S95 • Single Shot - half press shutter to focus for every shot. (This is the function I shoot with) • Continuous - camera shoots multiple frames with the focus locked at the distance of the first shot. • Continuous AF - camera shoots ...
What underwater settings do you use for S100/S95/S90?: …
- Expert news, reviews and videos of the latest digital cameras, lenses, accessories, and phones. Get answers to your questions in our photography forums.
Review of Canon S95 in FIX Fisheye Underwater Housing
- A common ailment of shooting with compact cameras underwater, the S95's lens is not ideal for shooting true macro or wide angle. Even the widest setting on the S95 (28mm) proves insufficient for shooting wide-angle, and at full telephoto, you cannot focus close enough to small subject to shoot tight macro. That’s where wet lenses come in.
Any recommended settings/tips for Canon s95? - Photography
- I just bought a CANON S95 with canon housing and will be using my INON D2000 with this system on my next dive trip to Indonesia. Very much looking forward to this trip and to testing this new setup. For my previous setup I was using the INON D2000 with manual settings and my camera on Aperture values.
Underwater Settings for Macro and Wide-Angle
- Best underwater camera settings for compact and dSLR digital cameras; including macro and wide-angle underwater photography and cameras like the Nikon D300, D90, Canon G11, Canon s90, Olympus, Sea & Sea DX-2G and many more. Includes modes, tips, auto, manual, and menus.
The best camera settings for underwater photography
- Learn about some basic considerations for choosing the best camera settings for underwater photography. There’s an entire world of photographic possibility under the water. All it takes to accessit is the right gear, determination, and plenty of practice. But part of that practice does include figuring out the right settings for capturing ...
S95 underwater photos -
- A forum thread in FORUMS Canon Cameras, Lenses & Accessories Small Compact Digitals by Canon
The Ultimate Settings Guide for Underwater Compact …
- Important Menu Settings for Underwater Photography. RedEye Reduction – OFF. No redeye problem underwater and this will mess up your strobe function. AF Assist Beam (Canon) / AF illuminator (Sony) – OFF This is the tiny LED that lights up …
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