Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph and much more about photography.
Photography - Navy
- The Naval History and Heritage Command’s photo collections are related to the US Navy (or other navies when specifically associated with US involvement or historical events) with specific emphasis...
U S Naval Historical Center Stock Photos and Images
- - Photo #: NH 86690-KN (color) USS Boston (1826-1846) Painting by Rod Claudius, Rome, Italy, 1962. It was made for display on board USS Boston (CAG-1). Courtesy of the U.S. Navy Art Collection, Washington, D.C. U.S. Naval …
Navy - NHHC
- Compiled like an encyclopedia, the Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships (DANFS) is a historical listing of U.S. naval ships. Learn about the DANFS ship of the week, Glennon (DD-620) . …
U.S. Naval Institute Photo Archives
- Welcome to the U.S. Naval Institute Photo Archive and Store. Find a specific photograph with a keyword search to look across all of the Naval Institute's photo galleries for the closest match. NEW! Custom Frames are now available. Select your photo then click on the "Framed" tab to view and choose a handsome frame. Need help?
Photocopy of photograph taken by U.S. Navy, ca. 1950.
- Photo, Print, Drawing Photocopy of photograph taken by U.S. Navy, ca. 1950. Original photograph located at U.S. Naval Historical Center, Photographic Section, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D.C. WEST AND SOUTH ELEVATIONS, LOOKING NORTHEAST - Navy Yard, Building No. 104, Intersection of Tingey Street & Isaac Hull Avenue, Washington, District of Columbia, …
U.S. Navy Photos - NavSource Naval History
- The Naval Historical Center's Photographic Section has extensive pictorial reference files on all aspects of Naval history. Its own collections are the principal source of photographs and other illustrations of U.S. Navy subjects made prior to 1920, and contain a wide selection of unique photography from later years.
NavSource Naval History - Photo Archive Main Index
- This page is created and maintained by Paul R. Yarnall and the NavSource Team All Rights Reserved. Images contained on this site that are donated from private sources ...
- Official U.S. Navy Photograph, from the collections of the Naval Historical Center. Online Image: 117KB; 740 x 600 pixels : Photo #: 80-G-289645 USS Bennington (CV-20) Photographed from a plane that has just taken off from her flight deck, during …
Naval Historical Center - Colby College
- NAVAL HISTORICAL CENTER Department of the Navy 901 M Street S.E. Washington Navy Yard Washington, D.C. 20374-5060 ... Exhibits relating to U.S. naval history, 1775-present. Navy Department Library: Collections relating to naval and maritime history. Operational Archives: U.S. Navy records on operations, policy and strategy, ca. 1939-present, as ...
Archives - Navy
- Archives. We regret that the NHHC Archives is temporarily unable to assist public researchers with their requests. This temporary shift in priority will allow us to move into a new facility and address a large processing backlog. We anticipate these tasks will be completed no earlier than Summer 2023. The Archives is currently open to official ...
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