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Useful Photography #001 | PhotoIreland Collection
- Useful Photography #001 Collected & Edited by Hans Aarsman, Claudie de Cleen, Julian Germain, Erik Kessels, Hans van der Meer Kesselskramer Publishing . Softcover 60 pages 210×297 mm 2002 ISBN: 90-72-72007-70-4 . Cut out a photograph from a wholesale butcher’s brochure, hang it over your bed, and a year later you still won’t be bored of it.
Useful Photography #001 | PhotoIreland Collection
- Useful Photography #001 Collected & edited by Hans Aarsman, Claudie de Cleen, Julian Germain, Erik Kessels, Hans van der Meer KesselsKramer Publishing English . Softcover 60 Pages 210×297 mm 2012 ISBN 9789072007704 . About the artists: Hans Aarsman (born 1951) is a Dutch photographer, author, and lecturer at the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam. He is a …
Useful Photography — ERIK KESSELS
- Useful Photography #001 Photography from sales catalogues, instruction manuals, packaging, brochures and textbooks. Collected and edited by Hans Aarsman, Claudie de Cleen, Julian Germain, Erik Kessels, and Hans van der Meer. Color and black and white, 21.0 x 29.7 cm, 60 pages, softcover. Published by BIS, Amsterdam, 2000.
- USEFUL PHOTOGRAPHY: LIMITED EDITION#001 – #005. Collected & edited by Hans Aarsman, Claudie de Cleen, Julian Germain, Erik Kessels, Hans van der Meer. Useful Photography is the generic name for the millions of diverse photos, which are used daily and with a purpose all of their own; practical photography that has a clear function and where the makers remain …
Useful Photography #001 - Google Books
- Useful Photography #001. Hans Aarsman, Erik Kessels, Claudie de Cleen, Julian Germain, Hans van der Meer. BIS Publishers, Jul 2, 2002 - Poetry - 60 pages.
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- Useful Photography 001 by Hans Aarsman,Erik Kessels,Julian Germain The simplest way of judging the true value of a photograph is to take it out of its context. Cut a photo out of a newspaper, put it in a frame, and hang it on the wall.
Useful Photography #001 | 9789072007704
- Buy Useful Photography #001 - 9789072007704 by Kessels, Erik for as low as $110.00.
Useful Photography #001-#004 Four Volume Set | Hans …
- Volume #001 "is an ode to the photographers we don't know by name, but whose work we all know by looking at it daily." Volume #002 features images culled from eBay. From the publisher: "Many thousands of people now own a digital camera. Many thousands more sell their personal items over the Internet everyday.
Useful Photography #001 - Bruil & van de Staaij
- Home / Books / KesselsKramerPublishing / Useful Photography #001. Useful Photography #001. Out of stock ...
Useful Photography #001-#009 Nine Volume Set | Hans …
- Useful Photography #001-#009 (Nine Volume Set) AARSMAN, Hans, DE CLEEN, Claudie, GERMAIN, Julian, KESSELS, Erik, VAN DER MEER, Hans Publisher: Amsterdam: Bis Publishers and Artimo, 2002 Edition: 1st Edition Binding: Soft cover ISBN: 9072007700 Condition: Fine / No dust jacket as issued Item #: 113706
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