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Creative Techniques - Slow Shutter Speed Photography
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Guide to Slow Shutter Speed Photography | Get Creative!
- How to Get Creative With Slow Shutter Speeds 1. Motion Blur. Slowing down your shutter speed delivers motion blur. Use it to your advantage and create exciting and... 2. Intentional Camera Shake. Intentional camera shake is a lot like capturing motion …
Shooting Slow Shutter Speed Photographs | SmartPhotoEditors
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Creative Techniques - Slow Shutter Speed Photography
- Long exposure photography is one of the primary ways of slow shutter speed photography. IN this method the shutter speed is generally very slow i.e 1/4 th of a second or slower. In many cases the shutter speed is even slower and shutter can be open for few hours !
How To Get Creative Photos Using a Slow Shutter Speed
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Slow Shutter Speed Photography - Skylum
- Working In Shutter Priority Mode. If you’re new to working with slower shutter speeds, try starting out with shutter priority mode. All you have to do is set the shutter speed and the ISO—the camera will take care of the aperture. (You should set the ISO well within the range of your camera’s native ISO--usually 400 or less.)
5 Tips for Slow Shutter Speed Photography | HowStuffWorks
- 5 Tips for Slow Shutter Speed Photography 1: Experiment with Light and Movement. Ultimately, slow shutter speed photography is a fun way to take cool, unusual... 2: Shoot at Night. In this shot of Yokohoma at night, the use of slow shutter speed captures the …
Shutter Speed: How Slow is Too Slow? - Outdoor Photo Academy
- Shutter speed is measured in fractions of a second and, for particularly long exposures, in whole seconds. The primary danger you will run into as it relates to shutter speed is making the shutter speed too slow. A slow shutter speed has two consequences on your photography: Your subject may move, causing the subject to be blurry in the picture, or
45 Breathtaking Examples of Slow Shutter Speed Photography
- 45 Breathtaking Examples of Slow Shutter Speed Photography. Team December 12, 2009. For today’s post, we have piled up dazzling slow shutter speed photos that will take your breath away. Using slow shutter speed photography can be a totally different phenomenon if you get it right. You can use it to inspire others, or to capture light ...
Shutter speed photography | What is shutter speed? | Adobe
- A slow shutter speed can help you illuminate a darker scene, as it brings more light through the lens. But with a faster shutter speed, the lens is open for a shorter length of time, so less light enters the lens. That makes low light a challenge and …
Tips for shooting portraits at very slow shutter speeds
- There are many different techniques and tips on how to accomplish this, of course, and this video only covers some of them. Please feel free to contribute more of your own tips by commenting here, or by heading on over to our forums! Take care, =Matthew Saville=. (3 second exposure) (1/2 second exposure)
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