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Death, Immortalized: Victorian Post-Mortem Photography
- In the 1800s, the child mortality rate was so high that parents had to believe that their child had moved on to a better place in heaven. Their …
Inside Victorian Post-Mortem Photography's Chilling …
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Clearing Up Some Myths About Victorian 'Postmortem' …
- By the 1850s, they were three to eight seconds. “When people talk about long exposure, it sounds like people had to wait for half an hour,” Zohn …
The Truth About Victorian Post-Mortem Photographs
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21 Victorian Era ‘Death Photographs’ That Were Used To To Serve …
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21 Victorian Era Post-Mortem Photos Prove How Creepy …
- Post-mortem photography was very common in the nineteenth century when "death occurred in the home and was quite an ordinary part of life. These photographs served as keepsakes to remember the deceased. ... Victorian era childhood mortality rates were extremely high, and a post-mortem photograph might have been the only image of the child the ...
Victorian Post-Mortem Photography and Fear of Being …
- Victorian Post-Mortem Photography. And last, but not least, Victorian era post-mortem photography. Photographs of deceased loved ones were a normal part of the American and European culture. Postmortem photographs not only helped in the grieving process but often represented the only visual remembrance of the deceased and were among a family ...
Victorian Post-Mortem Photography: how was it done?
- Post mortem photographers had a slogan: “Secure the shadow, ere the substance fades.”. Today, post-mortem photography may seem macabre to us. But to the Victorians, it was a way to cope with ubiquitous death and memorialize lost loved ones. In many cases, photographic images of the deceased were the only images by which to remember them.
Myths of Victorian Post-Mortem Photography - Incredulous
- ORIGIN: Art and culture historians have described Victorian post-mortem photography since at least the 1980’s 1 2. Before that, death photography was thought to be too morbid a topic, even by social scientists who wrote about the …
Post-mortem photography - Wikipedia
- Post-mortem photography is the practice of photographing the recently deceased. Various cultures use and have used this practice, though the best-studied area of post-mortem photography is that of Europe and America. There can be considerable dispute as to whether individual early photographs actually show a dead person or not, often sharpened by …
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