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VSCO FE, VSCO MP2 and VSCO 07 - VSCO wedding photographer
- VSCO wedding photographer by Ruxat Photography. VSCO is probably a photo-editing application on the phone that anyone who likes to take photos with a smartphone cannot be missing. The colors are so beautiful and very vintage. Gladly, on the Lightroom, VSCO also has a free preset for every Lightroom user.
VSCO FILM For Lightroom | For Wedding Photographers
- His images showed me a new direction for my wedding photography; a new way to tell the stories of my clients wedding days by prioritizing the sum of all images; not just a few strong shots. That photographer is Jonas Peterson. One of the …
Wedding photographers look at VSCO 01 Modern Film pack
- I fell these presets work really well for outdoor wedding photography. It is possible to use these presets for indoor wedding …
VSCO Film - Guides & Tutorials - Nate Photographic
- FREE VSCO Film Guides. The missing manual to mastering every VSCO Film. Step-by-step guides, film comparisons, cheat sheet download & more. Start learning. ... VSCO Film 02 has a mix of older portrait film from Kodak (great for wedding photography) and a popular consumer-film line from Fuji (great for general-purpose or street photography).
Best VSCO Preset for Wedding Photography - Dylan M Howell
- Best VSCO Preset for Wedding Photography - Dylan M Howell. Many people ask me what the best VSCO preset is for wedding photography. I'd say definitely VSCO Film Pack 06. Between Portra 160^1 for color and Tri-X^2 for black and white, plus the other fun options in the set, you have the best all-around film looks. It is the best value in Lightroom presets currently, at $59 for the pack.
VSCO Film 3 - Omaha Wedding Photographer – Daniel Dunlap
- Geeky photography jargon ahead.I recently purchased the new VSCO Film 3 to go along with versions 1 & 2 (which I also use and love). What I like about version 3 is that these are solely used to emulate old school instant film! Since I recently started incorporating a few…. VSCO Film 3. VSCO 3 FILM. Omaha Wedding Photographer – Daniel Dunlap.
VSCO FILM 01 - The Missing Guide - Nate Photographic
- VSCO FILM 01 – Great for Weddings, Portraits & More. The films in this VSCO film pack are really targeted at portrait photographers & wedding photographers (although there are additional uses). Almost all the films in the pack are known for their accurate skin-tone reproduction and fine grain structure.
VSCO Film 04 Review by St Louis Wedding Photographer
- by St Louis Wedding Photographers Joel & Shannon ... Here is a link to my past review on VSCO Film 03 in case you want to read up on that. Two important things to mention: 1) This is not a scientific pixel-peeping test. This is a basic overview based on my initial feelings of the presets. For the most part, the images have a little additional ...
Updated VSCO Film Pack 02 Review — Fifth Photography
- Kodak Portra 400. Another one that's really close. The road is a bit warmer in the Digital version, and the film is maybe a bit darker in the shadows. View fullsize. VSCO Film 02 Kodak Portra 400NC. View fullsize. Kodak Portra 400. Once again the film has a greener tint that is especially noticeable in the sky.
VIDEO - VSCO Film Overview - Columbus Wedding Photographer
- Video overview of the VSCO Film package from Visual Supply Company, by wedding and portrait photographer Hunter Harrison of Hunter Photographic.
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