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The Western Australian Epson Professional Photography Awards 2018
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WA Professional Photography Awards 2019
- The WA Professional Photography Awards is the State’s most prestigious photography awards; its aim is to foster and advance a high level of professional and artistic standard in the creation of photographic imagery. I entered five …
WA Professional Photography Awards
- It was a busy week last week, as we were involved in the running of the WA Professional Photography Awards. We were very excited come awards night, to find that Kirsten was awarded the 2017 AIPP WA Travel Photographer of the Year! Below are the images from her winning folio.
WA Professional Photographer of the Year |
- WA Professional Photographer of the Year Perth photographer, Steve Wise, is the 2010 Epson AIPP Western Australian Professional Photographer of the Year ('WAPPY'). The Awards are held annually by the Western Australian division of Australia's leading professional photography industry body, the Australian Institute of Professional Photography (AIPP).
The Western Australian Epson Professional …
- The AIPP Western Australian Epson Professional Photography Awards is the most significant and prestigious photography awards in WA. Each year, professional photographers submit their portfolio into a range of …
Professional Photographers of Washington | Inspire, …
- In this class at the Professional Photographers of Washington’s 2021 Spring Conference, Toni will talk about getting more emotion into our work. She will show some ways you can display that emotion in images and use storytelling, composition, color, and more to set the mood. ... Oregon’s most award-winning photographer, Bruce Berg will be ...
WPE - International Photographers Awards
- Congratulations! This photo of yours is entitled to enter the First Half 2022 competition for free. If you want your phototography to be displayed here, it will be sufficient to use the #wpeawards hashtag while posting on wpeawards facebook group or on instagram. As the WPE group, we select the top three photos of the week every Monday.
WA Professional Family Photographer of the Year & a Gold!
- This past week has been huge! Our 2015 Epson AIPP WA Professional Photography Awards were on. For the first time I was honoured to be a part of the judging panel. It was such a privilege to be a part of this exciting process and I can’t wait to do it again next year! This year I entered 8 images, 4 in Portrait and 4 in Family Portrait.
2015 AIPP WA Professional Portrait Photographer — Nic Duncan
- The unquestionable highlight of these last three or four weeks was being named 2015 AIPP WA Professional Portrait Photographer, and also being presented with the coveted and prestigious John Whitfield King trophy which is awarded annually for best people photograph across all categories.
List of photography awards - Wikipedia
- Dubai. Hamdan International Photography Award. Crown prince Hamdan of Dubai. Largest monetary prize among photography awards. India. National Photography Awards. Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. Lifetime Achievement Award, Professional Photographer of the Year and Amateur Photographer of the Year. Iran.
Washington State Photographers Exhibition - Puyallup, WA
- Washington State Photographers Exhibition. Art Gallery. Come check out Washington's top photographers' prized work and discover what it takes to …
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