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The piercing eye of Brassaï: the stunning work of a master French ...
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Brassaï Photography, Bio, Ideas | TheArtStory
- Brassaï expanded the subject matter of photography through his fascination with the manners of urban nightlife as it played out in high society and on the …
Brassaï (Gyula Halász) | International Photography Hall of …
- Moody, expressionistic photographs are the result of Brassai’s work at night. In addition to street photography, Brassai captured stark, revealing images of the people of the night. The now famed book, Paris de nuit (Paris by Night) was …
On Photography: Brassaï, 1899-1984 - Photofocus
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Brassaï, the Outsider Who Photographed Paris after Dark
- Courtesy of the Estate Brassaï Succession, Paris. In one of Brassaï ’s most famous photographs, a man and a woman canoodle in the corner of a …
BRASSAï • FMoPA - Florida Museum of Photographic Arts
- It might also describe Brassaï’s signature contribution to photography as he “transmuted” the medium from a recording of reality to an …
Brassaï and his night scenes of Paris | From Curator | SEIN | SIGMA
- Brassaï is a Hungarian photographer famous for his photographs of Paris by night. His images and their decadent, mysterious atmosphere bring to mind the cabarets of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec’s fin-de-siècle paintings or the “Années folles” era when Paris was home to people like Josephine “Black Venus” Baker.
Brassai Biography - Facts, Childhood, Family Life
- Brassai was a Hungarian photographer, sculptor, writer and filmmaker. He gained recognition for his work on Paris nightlife during the 1930s. Brassai used to often wander through the dark and infamous streets and cafes of Paris, which impressed him largely and persuaded him to think about photography as a serious career, contrary to his disliking during his early years as a …
Brassaï: The Eye of Paris and his Hungarian Soul - Culture …
- 3 April 2017. View. Nicknamed by Henry Miller as ‘the eye of Paris’, Brassaï is regarded as one of the fathers of street photography and known for his unconditional, inspired love for the City of Lights. Portrayed in powerful night shots depicting its soul and most quirky dwellers, the Paris of the 1930s features in the Hungarian artist’s work alongside his graffiti …
Brassaï's Dark and Beautiful Realm - A Flash Of Darkness
- Curiously, Brassaï started out with a dim view of photography, comparing it unfavourably to the art he originally pursued, but it became a requirement of his journalistic assignments, and having seen the beauty of Paris at night he became determined to capture it – defining night photography in the process. He was influenced by his friend and fellow …
Brassai and His Work -
- The things Brassai saw were the things he recorded. He had the rare gift of normal vision, the ability to see things for what they are. The fact is that Brassai's life work is just part of reality of his time, his specific pictures either of human beings or landscapes are the ones he saw.
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