Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about What Does Attribute Mean In Photography and much more about photography.
How To Correctly Attribute Creative Commons Images - Pixsy
- none
Photographic Attributes - ERHS Photography Class
- 8 rows
Attribute Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
- at· trib· ute | \ ə-ˈtri-ˌbyüt , -byət \. attributed; attributing. Definition of attribute (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb. 1 : to explain (something) by indicating a cause He attributed his success to …
How To Correctly Attribute Creative Commons Images
- none
Attribute - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms
- attribute. An attribute is a quality or characteristic given to a person, group, or some other thing. Your best attribute might be your willingness to help others, like when you stopped traffic so the duck family could cross the street. Attribute comes from the Latin verb attribuere, which is made up the prefix ad, meaning "to," and tribuere meaning "give or bestow."
Attribute Definition & Meaning |
- Attribute definition, to regard as resulting from a specified cause; consider as caused by something indicated (usually followed by to): She attributed his bad temper to ill health. See more.
Attribute Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
- ATTRIBUTE meaning: 1 : to say that (something) is because of (someone or something); 2 : to think of (something) as being a quality of (someone or something)
What is an Attribute? - {Definition Facts & Example}
- The term “attribute” in the context of math means the traits or the properties of a shape or an object. For example, observe the following picture of books. In the above image, the traits of the books can be listed as: Shape – Rectangle. Color – Red and Blue. Page count.
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