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Spectral imaging - Wikipedia
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Everything You Need to Know About Full Spectrum Lighting
- For the purposes of this discussion, as well as our internal quality control and specifications at Waveform Lighting, we define full spectrum light as: A light whose spectrum closely mimics that of natural daylight. Specifically, it should have a CRI (Color Rendering Index) of 95 or better, and a color temperature of 6500K.
Spectral imaging - Wikipedia
- Spectral imaging is imaging that uses multiple bands across the electromagnetic spectrum. While an ordinary camera captures light across three wavelength bands in the visible spectrum, red, green, and blue (RGB), spectral imaging encompasses a wide variety of techniques that go beyond RGB. Spectral imaging may use the infrared, the visible spectrum, the ultraviolet, x-rays, or …
Mark David | Specular highlights in photography
- Because the specular highlights are reflecting the actual light source, much like a mirror (the word specular actually means ‘like a mirror’) then those tiny blobs of highlight can be insanely, savagely bright! So they are almost certain to be …
Photography Lighting - The Complete Beginners Guide
- In strobe light photography, the best lighting for photography is to have two light sources on each side the camera, 45-degrees between being a straight-on light source and a sidelight when you are taking portraits. This placement …
Spectral Lamps - RP Photonics
- Spectral lamps are basically always gas discharge lamps with a low gas pressure, so that pressure broadening (spectral broadening based on frequent collisions during the emission of atoms or ions) is largely avoided. With that, …
How to Use These 11 Types of Lighting in Photography
- It is less dramatic than other lighting types, but it creates more depth than flat lighting. It does all of this by still keeping the subject well-lit. It’s easy to set up–you simply pose your model and then set the light at a forty five degree angle to …
Photography Lighting - Everything You Need To Know - NFI
- Hard Lighting in Photography. When your light source is focused straight at your subject, it is called hard lighting. It is the polar opposite of soft or diffused light. It is characterized by great contrast and intensity, bright whites, and dark shadows and is …
Understanding Light in Photography - Learning with Experts
- The electromagnetic spectrum. The principal colours we recognize in the spectrum are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Each colour has a slightly different energy level, but much of the time all colours are present around us in varying balances. When there is an even mixture we have white light, which is roughly what we have ...
How to Understand Light and Color to Improve your …
- General photography works within the visible light spectrum. We use the Kelvin temperature scale to describe the color of light. For example, a candle’s flame is 1,200K, which is towards the red-orange end of the scale, and a cloudless day is 10,000K, which is at the blue end. White balance
Photographic lighting - Wikipedia
- Photographic lighting refers to how a light source, artificial or natural, illuminates the scene or subject that is photographed. Photographers can manipulate the positioning and the quality of a light source to create visual effects, potentially changing aspects of the photograph such as clarity, tone and saturation often to create an accurate rendition of the scene. Lighting …
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