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Is Chimping in Photography Good or Bad?
- If you’ve ever wondered why it’s called chimping, it’s meant to be based on the “Ooh, ooh, ooh!” sounds photographers make when they review a good photo they’ve just taken. I don’t know anyone who actually sounds like a chimp when reviewing photos, but you have to …
Do You Chimp? Here Are The Pros and Cons of "Chimping"
- If you are habitually chimp your photos, you are most likely to delete some potentially good shots. Since you have no way of knowing if the next shots you take will be better or not, you may delete the best of the lot. Also, there are times when a shot does not appeal that much the first time you take a look at it.
Chimping - Wikipedia
- A photographer in the act of "chimping". Chimping is a colloquial term used in digital photography to describe the habit of checking every photo on the camera display ( LCD) immediately after capture. Some photographers use the term in a derogatory sense to describe the actions of amateur photographers, but the act of reviewing images on-camera is not necessarily frowned …
Why I chimp.......... (and why you do, too) -- General Photography …
- I chimp for many types of the photography I do, I chimp when shooting landscapes, chimp when using my IR converted D60, I chimp when I am shooting professionally, I check histograms and exposure, and I bracket too (usually manually though) the only time I don;t chimp is when shooting fast action that prevents my taking my eye off the subject.
10 Reasons Why You Should Never Chimp While Shooting Street …
- When you are shooting, only focus on shooting. When it comes to editing (selecting your best work) and post-processing your images, do it all only when you get home. 4. It kills your battery life. Derriel Almario. Another practical reason not to chimp when shooting street photography is that it kills your battery.
why call it "chimp" why not just "look at"? -- General Photography …
- A forum thread in FORUMS Photography Talk by Genre General Photography Talk
Why don't photographers give you all the photos? - Quora
- Answer (1 of 6): Even the best photographers take dud photos and there is absolutely no value in supplying these to the client. It would make the photographer look less professional, and the customer would have a reduced opinion of the finished product. Most …
A Lesson for New Photographers: Do Not Chimp
- Wikipedia defines chimping as "The habit of checking every photo on the camera display immediately after capture". Needles to say, this is bad. See, when you chimp, there is a great chance that you will miss the action happening just in front of you. So, learn how to use your camera, train your eye, and you will be able to use your camera ...
This is why you should never chimp at your camera - DIY …
- Chimp steals a 360° camera to take selfies with friends Why do Pros never own the latest and greatest gear (and why their gear is in such bad shape)? This viral video of a chimp browsing Instagram is facing criticism from primatologists “The camera never lies” is a myth and these photographers explain why
Why Do You Tell People Not To "Chimp"? -
- I'm always reading how-to and advice articles regarding some form of photography, and the majority of the time the article will mention "chimping", regardless of subject matter. For those of you that don't know, chimping is the process of checking your preview of shots you took either...
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