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Wide-angle Imaging Of the Ocular Fundus
- The benefits of the wide-angle imaging systems include a panoramic view of the fundus and concomitant full perspective of the ocular condition, including associated findings elsewhere, remote from the area of concern. Additionally, wide-angle systems allow for photographic capture of the peripheral fundus, even into the pars plana in some instances.
Fundus Photography Overview - Ophthalmic …
- Fundus cameras are described by the angle of view - the optical angle of acceptance of the lens. An angle of 30°, considered the normal angle of view, creates a film image 2.5 times larger than life. Wide angle fundus cameras capture images between 45° and 140° and provide proportionately less retinal magnification.
Trans-palpebral illumination: an approach for wide-angle …
- It is known that wide-angle fundus photography is an essential component for remote screening, diagnosis, and treatment evaluation of eye diseases such as retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) [1,2], diabetic retinopathy (DR) [3,4], choroidal masses and choroidal metastases , and choroidal dystrophies . However, it is technically difficult to construct wide …
Wide Angle Imaging
- History of Wide Angle Fundus Photography • Retinal Drawings • Late 1800s- Jackman and Webster – Began photographing human retinas • 1950s- Electronic flash and 35mm cameras – Adapted to ophthalmic instruments • 1970s- First Wide Angle system • 1990s- Digital camera backs – No more darkrooms! • 2000s – Optos – Panoret – Staurenghi lens
Retinal nerve fibre layer photography with a wide angle …
- Retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) photographs taken with a wide-angle fundus camera (Canon CF-60Z) and its built-in blue interference filter (SE-40) of 495 nm wavelength were compared with pictures taken with the same camera and a red-free absorption filter (Wratten No. 58) as well as with photographs taken with a 30 degrees fundus camera and Wratten No. 58 filter.
Wide-field smartphone fundus video camera based on …
- External angle has been widely used to specify FOV in traditional fundus cameras, while interior angle is used in recently emerging wide-field fundus imagers, such as a Retcam and Optos. The estimated irradiance at the retina was 0.24 mW/cm 2. According to the ISO 15004-2: 2007 standard, 11.5 hours continuous illumination is allowed for continuous video recording.
Wide Field Retinal Imaging Systems - EyeWiki
- Wide field imaging (WFI) and ultra wide field imaging (UWFI) are now increasingly popular. WFI refers to imaging beyond 50 degrees field area. UWFI systems can image upto 200 degrees as in Optos. They are well capable of imaging over 80% of the retinal surface area.
ZEISS CLARUS 500 Fundus Camera - Medical Technology …
- CLARUS 500 from ZEISS is the first fundus imaging system to provide true color and clarity within an ultra-wide field of view, enabling clinicians to capture high-resolution fundus images from macula to the far periphery. Hemorrhagic pigment epithelial detachment. Red channel separation image of a choroidal nevus with overlying drusen.
US4023189A - Wide angle fundus illumination and …
- A wide angle instrument for illuminating, observing and photographing the fundus of the eye is provided. The instrument has a focus tube containing spaced decollimating and objective lenses with an adjustable aperture diaphragm positioned therebetween, which tube projects a glare-reducing entrance pupil on the eye examined and maintains the position and size thereof while …
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