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Masters of Photography: William Klein
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10 Lessons William Klein Has Taught Me About Street …
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William Klein Photography - Holden Luntz Gallery
- William Klein first gained distinction in the mid-twentieth century for his original approach of creating ironic fashion photography through using innovative and unusual techniques. Now widely considered both a revolutionary photographer and filmmaker, Klein originally trained as a painter studying under Fernand Léger in the 1950s bringing an ...
William Klein - Photographer Technique & Process
- William Klein talks about his works, technique and process.William Klein (born April 19, 1928) is an American-born French photographer and filmmaker noted f...
William Klein | MoMA
- William Klein (born April 19, 1928) is an American-born French photographer and filmmaker noted for his ironic approach to both media and his extensive use of unusual photographic techniques in the context of photojournalism and fashion photography.
William Klein: Avant-garde New York Photographer - Culture Trip
- A painter, sculptor and filmmaker, Klein came to photography almost by accident, but ultimately used his lack of training to his advantage. Unlike his contemporaries of the time Klein used a wide-angle lens and high-speed film, introducing grainy, blurry photos and completely setting himself apart from the existing photographic canons.
Masters of street photography – WILLIAM KLEIN Maestri della …
- For this reason, perhaps, the most useful disposition a photography enthusiast can get from Klein is to not worry so much about camera settings or the techniques: the most important thing is to go out and produce images. “If you look carefully at life, you see blur. Shake your hand. Blur is part of life“ BOOKS. New York 1954-1955. Roma + Klein 1959
William Klein | Artnet
- William Klein is an American artist and filmmaker known for his unconventional style of abstract photography depicting city scenes. Although similar in subject matter to other street photographers such as Diane Arbus and Saul Leiter, as well as fashion photographers Irving Penn and Richard Avedon, Klein’s images break from established modes.“I came from the outside, …
Street photography inspiration: Ignore rules like William Klein
- Today’s street photography inspiration shows some perfect examples from William Klein. In the video above, Alex Kilbee of The Photographic Eye reminds us that William Klein is widely regarded as one of the godfathers of street photography, for a good reason. While Klein worked with different photography genres, his street photography stands out.
Masters of Photography: William Klein
- Klein worked with unconventional wide-angle and telephoto pictures, with unconventional lighting and flash effects and with intentional motion blurs. Although he worked for Vogue until 1966, he did not consider fashion photography to be his real …
Masters of Photography: William Klein
- Frank used mostly one camera, one lens, one technique; Klein experimented with flash, wide-angle, grab shots, abstraction, blur, close-up, accidents, deformations, harsh printing, special layouts, and inking. Frank was concerned with showing America as never before, Klein with ways of showing it as never before.
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