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AS/A Level Art and Design - WJEC
- This unitised specification provides learners with opportunities to develop a broad foundation of critical, practical and theoretical skills at AS, which offers learners a holistic understanding of a range of practices and contexts in the visual arts, crafts and design fields, culminating in greater specialism and achievement at A level.
Level 3 Foundation Diploma in Art and Design - WJEC
- The WJEC Foundation Diploma in Art and Design is a dynamic, immersive, pivotal Level 3 Qualification which is designed to provide transition from general education to specialist art, craft and design education; enabling the learner to make an informed decision when applying to higher education or seeking employment within a related industry.
WJEC Art & Design Photography A2 - Courses in Sunderland
- WJEC Art & Design Photography A2 UPDATED 20151019 13:19:15. This course enables students to develop a wide range of skills and techniques, together with an in-depth knowledge and understanding of Photography and Lens or Light Based Media. This specification offers a practical course with maximum opportunities for a stimulating experience of ...
Entry Pathways Creative, Media and Performance Arts
- Entry Pathways Creative, Media and Performance Arts. new_releases. Online submission through IAMIS by 5th May. WJEC requires electronic upload of internal assessments for Entry Pathways, and Level 1 / 2 qualifications in summer 2022 – see guide here. Teaching: Sep 2011.
- WJEC A/AS level Art and Design specification and guidance as to the requirements of the qualification and the assessment process. The guide is not intended as a comprehensive reference , but as support for teachers to develop stimulating and exciting courses tailored to the needs and skills of students in their particular institutions.
- Indicative Content for each title (Units 1 and 2) Art, Craft and Design 21 Art and Design (Fine Art) 23 Art and Design (Graphic Communication) 25 Art and Design (Textile Design) 27 Art and Design (Three-Dimensional Design) 29 Art and Design (Photography) 31 Art and Design (Critical & Contextual Studies) 33
GCSE Art and Design: Photography TGAU Celf a …
- GCSE Art and Design: Photography TGAU Celf a Dylunio: Ffotograffiaeth Candidate Portfolio Portffolio’r Ymgeisydd ... WJEC CBAC . Bending licit; to I like Karl Blossfeldts art work because its cheerful ,simple and beautiful, also he_always uses one subject to take his photos. The black and white tone brings out the photo, Karl always uses one ...
Art and Design - Photography GCE A2 Level (WJEC)
- Information about Art and Design - Photography GCE A2 Level (WJEC) at Truro and Penwith College - fees, duration, intakes and student reviews
A Level Art and Design - Eduqas
- In this A Level Art and Design course, learners are given opportunities to develop a broad foundation of critical, practical and theoretical skills. Overall, the course fosters a holistic understanding of a range of practices and contexts across visual arts, crafts and design fields, culminating in greater specialism and achievement.
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