Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Ymca Photography Competition and much more about photography.
YMCA Photo Contest - Hastings YMCA
- Win $100 and have your photo featured at the YMCA! The YMCA is hosting its first ever community photo contest! This contest is based around the YMCA’s three areas of focus, Youth Development, Healthy Living, and Social Responsibility.All submissions will need to be based on one (or more!) of these areas of focus!
Global Photo Challenge - YMCA International - World …
- The Global Photo Challenge takes place on our Birthday, 6th June 2020, and is part of the World Challenge activities. ... Don’t forget your YMCA T-shirt! After taking your photo use the hashtag. #YMCAChallenge and tag the World YMCA. …
Celebrate everything YMCA and enter our photo comp
- Photography captures the world we live in, gives an insight into the lives of billions of people and provides a mighty catalyst for positive change. To …
#HowIY Photo Challenge - YMCA of Coastal Georgia
- Any photo that includes nudity or is deemed inappropriate by YMCA staff. Any photo that portrays an action or activity contrary to the Y’s stated rules or code of conduct. The contest runs August 10 – September 24, 2016.
Photo Competition - YMCA North Staffordshire
- The YMCA photo competition is a free and open submission competition that is looking to seek out imagination and creativity. We want to bring Staffordshire together. We want to share the people, places and experiences of all our communities. This competition is FREE to enter.
YMCA Youth Photography Competition |
- YMCA London South West have chosen the winners for their first Youth Photography Competition. Being a local community charity, it was fitting that the theme was “what inspires me in my community” and we were very impressed with the standard and quality of …
Photo Contest Poster | YMCA Calgary
- Programs. Camps. Child Care. Rentals. Community YMCA. Support YMCA. YMCA Calgary Updates and Frequently Asked Questions – Click Here. YMCA Calgary > Registered Programs > Locations > Melcor YMCA at Crowfoot > Photo Contest Poster.
Teenaged photographer wins YMCA photo contest
- PETERBOROUGH -- Local teenage photographer Patrick Stephen has won the Historic Peterborough YMCA Photo Contest. Mr. Patrick, 18, was one of 14 photographers who were given access to the old YMCA building in downtown Peterborough in August. They were tasked with photographing the architecture features of the building.
And the Winner of the Silly Photo Contest is... - YMCA of MEWSA
- Your Y in the news Read how our Y is making headlines. Check back often to stay on top of the latest news.
Earth Service Corps | YMCA of Greater Seattle
- YMCA Earth Service Corps (YESC) is an innovative youth-led program that empowers students to take a hands-on role in creating a healthier environment in their schools, communities, and region while nurturing a respect for diversity within the natural world. In our 2020-21 year, over 835 young leaders contributed more than 6,600 hours of service ...
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