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Zeiss Ikon Contessa photos on Flickr | Flickr
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zeiss ikon contessa lk photos on Flickr | Flickr
- The Contessa LKE is a 35mm coupled rangefinder camera with Pronto-LK shutter B, 15-500 speed Tessar 2.8/50mm lens, The viewfinder also has a coupled match needle for exposure, Made in Germany by Zeiss Ikon c 1963-1965. Zeiss Ikon Contessa LK. Arista Premium 100.
Zeiss+Ikon+Contessa+LKE photos on Flickr | Flickr
- The Contessa LKE is a 35mm coupled rangefinder camera with Pronto-LK shutter B, 15-500 speed Tessar 2.8/50mm lens, The viewfinder also has a coupled match needle for exposure, Made in Germany by Zeiss Ikon c 1963-1965. Shots taken around downtown Chattanooga, TN. The elusive LKE is now working.
Zeiss Ikon Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images
- 100 Zeiss Ikon Premium High Res Photos. Browse 100 zeiss ikon stock photos and images available, ... German-made Zeiss Ikon Contessa folding roll film rangefinder camera with a Tessar 45mm f2.8 lens is seen in this 2009 Healdsburg, California, studio... People, Hobbies, Photography, pic: 1950's,A Zeiss Ikon cine camera with 3 accessory lenses ...
Zeiss Ikon Contessa LK | Flickr
- Show more. 128 photos ยท 639 views. Jim Grey. By: Jim Grey. Zeiss Ikon Contessa LK by Jim Grey. 1. Zeiss Ikon Contessa LK by Jim Grey. 2. Zeiss Ikon Contessa LK by Jim Grey.
Zeiss Ikon Contessamat SE photos on Flickr | Flickr
- Flickr photos, groups, and tags related to the "Zeiss Ikon Contessamat SE" Flickr tag.
Zeiss Ikon Contessa pics | Photography Forums
- Here are some pics I took yesterday with my 55 yr old Zeiss Ikon Contessa. I just scanned the pics, and just did some cropping. ... Photography Forums. Forums > Equipment > Classic Manual Cameras > Zeiss Ikon Contessa pics. Discussion in 'Classic Manual Cameras' started by joe_nash|1, Dec 21, 2008.
Zeiss Ikon Contessa | Photography Forums
- This overcorrection is what Zeiss did from the 30s on up to the 60s on all front element focusing Tessars. I found Mike's Contessa pictures to be as sharp and contrasty as 11x14 BW enlargements taken with my 1934 S.Ikonta C 105/4.5 Tessar and the ones taken with my Super Ikonta C MX 105/3.5 Tessar.
Zeiss Ikon Contessa | Photography Forums
- Search Photos (or choose category) ... Contessa, I got one coming should be here in a while:[Zeiss Ikon Contessa Camera & Tessar 50mm f/2.8 Lens] which is the exact one that I had back in the 50's: So thanks for all the Help and Info:: lauren_macintosh, Dec 5, 2006 #1.
Zeiss Ikon Contessa | Photography Forums
- Photography Forums. ... Zeiss Ikon Contessa. Discussion in 'Classic Manual Cameras' started by tri-x|1, Nov 8, 2009. tri-x|1. Found this at an estate sale today for $10. Everything seems to be working the way it should including the shutter and the light meter. No bad for a camera made in 1950-'51.
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